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Access our portal of national, state and local small business grant opportunities. New funding resources are added as information becomes available.

Maine State Child Care Infrastructure Grant Program

Coastal Enterprises Inc
State(s): ME

The Child Care Infrastructure Grant Program will provide funding to help start new child care businesses as well as expand current licensed capacity to increase the number of children served by existing child care providers. Grants are available through 2024 or until all funds are awarded, whichever comes first.

Application closed

Small Business Improvement Fund (SBIF) – Chicago

City of Chicago
State(s): IL

Grants for permanent building improvements and repairs. Chicago’s Department of Planning and Development facilitates the program. Local businesses can apply for grants that cover between 30 percent and 90 percent of their remodeling or building costs. Up to $250,000. Different application deadlines based on location in Chicago.

Application closed

Galaxy Grant

State(s): National

Enter for a chance to win a new $4,250 Galaxy Grant, brought to you by Hidden Star, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit with an 8-year track record. This is available for women and minority entrepreneurs.

Application closed