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Acceda recursos durante el Mes de las Mujeres Emprendedoras

Hoy en día se estima que 13 millones de empresas son propiedad de mujeres emprendedoras en los Estados Unidos, lo que representa aproximadamente el 43% de todas las empresas. A través del emprendimiento, las mujeres emprendedoras pueden desbloquear ingresos potenciales, y también es un gran camino para lograr la paridad de género y construir independencia económica y riqueza generacional. Es por eso que organizaciones sin fines de lucro y corporaciones están lanzando programas enfocados en apoyar a las mujeres emprendedoras a iniciar y hacer crecer sus emprendimientos por medio de acceso a capital, recursos y cursos en línea. 

A continuación explore estos recursos disponibles para las mujeres emprendedoras. NOTA: La mayoría de estos recursos no están disponibles en español.

Programa Verizon Small Business Digital Ready

Fecha límite: Sin fecha límite

Reciba recursos gratuitos para pequeñas empresas de Verizon. El programa Small Business Digital Ready le da acceso a eventos gratuitos organizados por expertos en ciertas industrias, oportunidades para crecer su red de contactos, fondos de asistencia, y mucho más–sin ningún costo. Aunque este programa no es exclusivo para mujeres emprendedoras, usted puede participar siempre y cuando cumpla con los requisitos de elegibilidad.

Únase gratuitamente

HerRise MicroGrant 

Deadline: Ongoing

The HerRise MicroGrant provides financial assistance, with the help of corporate sponsors and donors, to women of color creating innovative solutions that impact their community and that are often unable to secure funding for their small business. 

Apply today

Small Business Growth Fund

Deadline: October 27 

In partnership with the Global Entrepreneurship Network (GEN) and with funding from Etsy and Progressive, the Small Business Growth Fund provides small business owners the capital they need to make their next move. While this program isn’t exclusive to women entrepreneurs, you can still qualify as long as you meet the eligibility criteria. Recipients will receive $5,000-$25,000 grants to help accelerate their growth and achieve their goals.

Learn more and apply

IFundWomen’s Universal Grant Application

Deadline: Ongoing

When IFundWomen partners with a brand, they match the partner’s grant criteria to businesses that are in the Universal Grant database. If you’re a match for one of their sponsored grants, you will be notified.

Learn more

Goldman Sachs 10,000 Women 

Deadline: Ongoing

The Goldman Sachs 10,000 Women is a global initiative that fosters economic growth by providing women entrepreneurs around the world with business and management education, mentoring and networking, and access to capital.

Learn about the program

Amber Grants

Deadline: End of every month

Today, WomensNet awards two $10,000 Amber Grants each month to women entrepreneurs. Additionally, two of their 24 monthly winners get an additional $25,000 Year-End Amber Grants.

Apply today

Connect2Capital platform

Deadline: Ongoing

A partnership between Community Reinvestment Fund, USA (CRF) and Small Business Majority’s Venturize platform is providing an expanded network of responsible small business lending partners and assistance providers to support entrepreneurs nationwide. Through CRF’s Connect2Capital tool, business owners can submit a simple form on Venturize to be matched with mission-driven small business lenders and other business support organizations. 

Learn more and apply