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Six expert hurricane season preparedness tips for your business

This blog post originally appeared on

Linda McMahon, SBA Administrator

For this blog about Hurricane Season preparedness, we thought it would make sense to get some business continuity tips from a real expert—a business owner who survived multiple disasters. 

Three Brothers Bakery, a 69-year-old business owned by Janice and Robert Jucker, suffered losses of around $1 million after Hurricane Harvey devastated Houston last August.  In 2008, the destruction caused by Hurricane Ike forced the couple to close the bakery for nine months.  They lost $1 million after that storm.

Since 2001, the bakery has survived four floods, a hurricane and a fire.  Calling herself “the Queen of Disasters,” Janice says she has learned a lot over the years about how to protect their business and recover more quickly after each event.  The Juckers received the SBA’s 2018 Phoenix Award for Outstanding Disaster Recovery.