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Webinar recordings

Watch our webinar recordings on your own time to learn about access to capital, healthcare, retirement and employer resources, plus much more.
Pasos para abrir una pequeña empresa

Alguna vez ha tenido la idea de abrir su propia empresa, pero no sabe por dónde empezar? Deje sus dudas a un lado y escuche información sobre cómo puede abrir su pequeña empresa.

Cork to Crown: A minority woman in the wine industry with Chrishon Lampley

Meet a member of Small Business Majority's Illinois Small Business Equity Council who is making waves in the wine industry as a minority woman. Join us as we take an in-depth look at her journey from vineyard to bottle, and discover the unique challenges she faced along the way. From breaking into the industry to establishing her own brand, Chrishon Lampley has proven that with determination and hard work, anything is possible. Learn about her story, her wines and her advice for aspiring minority women entrepreneurs.

Pathways to Entrepreneurial Growth: The cost to be the boss

This workshop will offer attendees practical tools and resources to strengthen and maintain psychological fortitude and emotional wellbeing throughout the entrepreneurial journey. We will also explore common mental health challenges experienced by entrepreneurs.

This workshop is part of our "Pathways to Entrepreneurial Growth" series.

The Bottom Line: New Year Refresh on SBA Capital Programs, Part 2

Do you know about all the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) capital programs you have access to in your region? Join us for part 2 to learn more about how you can take advantage of these programs to support your small business. Part 2 will focus on capital programs from across the region. This webinar is part of our “The Bottom Line” series hosted by the SBA and Small Business Majority.

Filing A Tax Return For Your LLC: What small businesses need to know

Tax preparations can be complicated. If you need to know whether you are on the right track, join Small Business Majority and TMB Tax & Financial Services for a free webinar to learn about filing a tax return for your LLC.

Lunch & Learn: Building your business plan & tools for success

A strong and detailed business plan will provide a road map for your small business success. Join Small Business Majority and Operation HOPE for our monthly business lunch and learn.