Loan Comparison Chart

There are lots of loan options out there. Keep track of the different loan types, what they can offer you, and the lenders behind them with this at-a-glance chart that makes it easy to compare the major loan types.

Loan Types Minimum Loan Amount Maximum Loan Amount Annual Interest Rates Turnaround Time Criteria
Business Credit Card
$250 $25,000 13% – 25 % 1 – 3 weeks Personal and/or business credit are main factor
Cash Flow Loans
$200 $100,000 25% – 90% Minutes – 3 days Credit score is less important, but still a factor
Merchant Cash Advance
$200 $250,000 15% – 150% 1 – 7 days Usually does not require high credit scores
$500 $50,000 8% – 18% 1 – 3+ months Usually does not require high credit scores
Mission-Driven Loans
$250 $500,000 6% – 7% 6 weeks Credit score and other factors taken into consideration
Online Marketplace Loans
$25,000 $500,000 7% – 30% 2 – 7 days Credit score is less important, but still a factor
Personal Sources
Depends on source Depends on source Depends on source
Small Business Administration (SBA) Loans
$50,000 $5,000,000 30 days – 6 months Usually requires a minimum credit score
Traditional Bank Loans
$250,000 $5,000,000 5 – 10% 2 – 4 months Usually requires a strong personal and/or business credit score